Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Goals

So my attempt at consistency was good, the 4th week was tough especially running, so I need to do 3 weeks build and 1 week back down. I expected that but its one thing to read about it another to feel the need for a backdown week. So now its time to set a new 4 week plan
First I need to maintain consistency.. of course
Second: 3 weeks building 1 week recovery.
Going to increase running by 10-20% per week, and maintain a specific pace for long runs. Typically I just run based on feel and that will be important for the Yukon as there is no GPS watch that will last 8 days . I need to get a better feel for specific paces.
Last week was not a workout week, it was a planned off week (almost completely off) well when I say planned it was more as expected, I hoped to get more workouts in, but honestly the amount of walking I did in Vegas, LA, Disney, seaworld etc.. My feet hurt and I was tired every day. so.. yea good YAU training :) 
Today I am resting and recovering so I can be fresh for next week.. gotta hit it hard. Gonna do a bodyweight workout on Monday so Tuesday can hit weights with my coach.

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