Monday, November 5, 2012

Consistency Week 2

So this week was challenging, I had a day of work where there was little chance of getting more than a single workout in. I shuffled the next day's workout a bit and was able to make it up. So no loss there. I also learned Fridays are the most mentally challenging day for me to workout. I really dont want to workout that day. Typically I make it an active recovery day so its fine, but due to that shuffle I mentioned earlier I ended up making it a full recovery day.  No big loss but it does point out that Friday has to be some kind of recovery day or it will be more of a mental training day (ie getting my lazy ass out the door). 

Sunday I didnt get a run in, was hoping to. First workout I completely missed. I was busy as heck sunday so I didnt notice I skipped lunch until I was dragging ass later in the day when i wanted to workout. so I figured I'd eat first then have energy to work out.. instead I went into a food coma.. so techincally I missed my second workout sunday, but I learned a bit more about nutrition so.. well there is that!

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